Tuesday, December 28, 2010


With two long weekends in a row, most of us are left with plenty of “bumming time” on our hands, after feasting with our loved ones this holiday season. And what better way to spend our free time than to watch the latest local flicks airing on the different movie houses in the metro.

I’ve always made it a point to watch 2 to 3 MMF entries every year. As a frustrated filmmaker, this is one way for me to show my support to the local film industry.

So far, we have already seen 2 MMF entries, and I’m glad to say that we have gotten our money’s worth!

RPG Metanoia

The first Philippine Animation in 3D! The animation is way much better than when we first started. The musical scoring is great and I felt like I was watching a scene from Lord of the Rings during the fight scenes.  It is so refreshing to watch an animation with Filipino lifestyle and values injected on it.  Makes you proud to be a “Pinoy” after watching the movie.


We’ve watched the flick, and forgot that it is Christmas! If you’ve seen “Sukob” and “Feng Shui”…you can expect a lot more startling scenes from this movie.  Don’t wait for it on DVD or you’ll miss half the fun of being startled by the screaming person sitting beside you!

Two more flicks are still on our lineup…”Tanging Ina…Last na ‘to” and “Agimat and Enteng Kabisote”.

I have had enough action and suspense from the first two movies that we have seen.  I now look forward for some good laugh this coming weekend J